Komunikasi Antar Pribadi Pengamen Kuda Lumping, Studi Fenomenologi di Kecamatan Cibinong Bogor

Yohanes Arie Kuncoroyakti


Indonesia has a diverse cultural diversity, one of which is the culture of East Java. Culture in East Java with lumping horse dance became the object of research. This studied aims to saw determinate the interpersonal communication between lumping horse buskers in Cibinong sub-district, Bogor. Phenomenological studied with qualitative methods form the basis of this research. Phenomenology looks more at social phenomena that occur in society is kuda lumping dancers. Data collection techniques used in this studied are observation, interviews. Interviews were conducted with several buskers groups located in the red light district of Cibinong, Bogor. This research using symbolic interaction theory and uncertainty reduction theory. Interpersonal communication become quite important in this studied, with good communication with motorists made through greeting punten, kulo nuwun, permisi. Symbols and meanings in kuda lumping art appear on clothes, face decoration and whips are used. Busker clothes using long-sleeved clothes, while the bottom using shorts to below the shabby. This kuda lumping busker in doing the action is also complete with makeup on the face similar to lumping horse art. Understanding the meaning of the lumping horse busker is clarified again by the use of a whip, is considered as one of art identities this course will be in accordance with the theory of uncertainty reduction type. Interpersonal communication takes place between buskers and buskers, as well as buskers and motorists. Communication can also occur between the buskers and the coordinator, where information regarding the presence of Satpol PP can be obtained.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.47007/jkomu.v17i02.239


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